Color Atlas of Vulvar Disorders
Overview: how the Atlas works
Atlas topics have been selected because they are the most common conditions that affect the vulva. The list is not exhaustive.
The Atlas has been arranged, in the first instance, to reflect the way that the eye initially takes in information about the anatomy and the skin: by observation of patterns in architectural and epithelial structure, color, texture, and integrity, rather than by diagnosis. Disorders are arranged by morphological appearance: red, white(or yellow), blistering, erosive, ulcerative, dark-colored, skin-colored, and edematous conditions. Each descriptive category contains photographs of the conditions that fall under it, linked to explanatory texts that include etiology, epidemiology, description, symptoms, differential diagnosis, and treatment. There is also a list of all the conditions included in the Atlas through which the same texts can be accessed.
To see photos and access information about each condition, click on the morphological characteristics that best describe it visually. Click on the photos to enlarge them and access explanatory text. (Please allow a few seconds for the photographs to load.) Click on the drop down symbol to see which conditions are listed under each morphological category, from most to least common.
Alternatively, to find a vulvar disorder by name, rather than by morphological description, search the list of Atlas Topics A-Z. This will first take you to all the photos available for the condition with a button to click for the text.